Western Arts Alliance's PAD X at WOMEX 23

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Queen Esther has been selected to be a member of Western Arts Alliance's PAD X Delegation to WOMEX 23 in A Coruña Gallacia Spain. This is the first time that the United States has ever participated in WOMEX and it's a golden opportunity to show the world the performing arts that America has to share.

Western Arts Alliance (WAA) is a membership association of touring and performing arts professionals engaged in promoting and presenting performing arts throughout the Western states and provinces. Serving members since 1967, our annual booking conference and year-round programs are essential for artists, artist managers, presenters, and other performing arts professionals in the West.

Worldwide Music Expo (WOMEX) is the most international and culturally diverse music meeting in the world and the biggest conference of the global music scene, featuring a trade fair, talks, films and showcase concerts.

Over 2,600 professionals (including 260 performing artists) come together every October from 90 countries, making WOMEX the leading networking platform for the world music industry. Its musical spectrum is unparalleled in the international showcase performance market, ranging from the most traditional to the new global local underground, embracing folk, roots, jazz, local and diaspora cultures as much as urban and electronic sounds from all over the globe.

WOMEX hosts 7 stages, around 700 exhibiting companies, 100+ speakers, films, an opening concert and an award ceremony across five packed networking days and rather short nights.



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